InnovationLab 2 completed! Good-lah!


It seemed like yesterday since Michael Christensen and I started the InnovationLab 2, funded by the WorldSkills Foundation and facilitated by the Institute of Technical Education in Singapore. After three and a half months of hard work en enjoying Singapore, I can finally say that a mission is completed!

We’ve managed to develop two 3D Virtual Reality applications on the EON Reality platform. The one was an educational walk-through of conventional water treatment in Singapore and the second one a learning module for the maintenance of a rooftop water tank. It was rewarding to see our work being displayed on international Stage during Singapore International Water Week a few weeks ago. The second application is also a great break-through for students to gain experience through Virtual Leaning. Rooftop water tanks are NOT accessible for public and therefore difficult or nearly impossible to bring 100 students on top of a 40 story building. It was different for a me coming from a web-development background to work with EON’s software, but we adapted easily.


The iCube, used to project 3D simulations you can literally walk in

Working at ITE was a great experience! Just to see how much is invested in educating young people and preparing them to become skillful professionals. Though the courses are less academical, we must not forget that we need skillful people who are willing to take those drawings and calculations and turn them into masterpieces! This is also one of the reasons that ITE has many collaborations with leading companies in the world. Students get to learn about the latest technology while opportunity awaits them.


Seriously? You have a fighter jet at school?

My admiration also goes the WorldSkills Foundation who got me here in the first place. They literally go across the world to promote skills by initiating projects that include young professionals to develop and implement innovative solutions for real challenges. Bringing together people across the world, collaborating, tackling global challenges, broadening perspectives, celebrating accomplishments and sharing knowledge are just some of the words that come to my mind at the moment to describe it.


Team USA and Australia for the Water Innovation Challenge

So what have I gained after this? So much… I literally have to sit down with you and tell you all about it.

  • Working with 3D Virtual Reality
  • Participating in projects in a different working environment and culture
  • Managing my company (Bit Dynamics) from halfway across the world and putting trust in my team back home
  • An eye opening experience about large markets compared to Suriname
  • Singapore is not really a “fine” country, people do occasionally take a sip of their drink in the train
  • The pro’s and con’s of a structurally “perfect” system
  • A sharpened life goal and connected some dots that will help me achieve it
  • Fuel to go back to Suriname and working towards getting us connected with WorldSkills
  • At least 100 Singaporeans who know where Suriname is
  • Friendships and connections
  • A possibility to be crowed KayaKing :D


Do take the time to learn more about


Beginning phase of our first project


As you know I’m in Singapore with Michael Christensen, a 3D CAD Designer from Canada, to develop 2 3D Virtual Reality Applications. The first one is an application with the purpose to inform viewers about the conventional water treatment process that is used in Singapore for many years.

We’re actually in the last stage of the project and working to finish it off the next week. We haven’t posted a lot of updates about the project due to some confidential matter. We’ve been talking about this with the involved parties and my colleague Michael was able to do a write up of the beginning phase of the project. Continue reading…

Developing a 3D Virtual Reality application


I think it is time to tell you about my project here in Singapore without going into very much details, since there is some confidentiality. To be honest, this project is nothing of what I’m used to as a programmer and web developer, from the technology used to the contents of the application. The same counts for my teammate, Michael Christensen, who is a professional 3D CAD designer from Canada. Continue reading…