Eating at the Hawker Centers

Singaporean Hawker Center

So I not on a food quest in Singapore or after specific foods I want to taste, but once you’re here you automatically get dragged in to it. Before my departure from Suriname a friend of mine, uncle Rudi, who worked in Singapore for 6 months, told me that the best places to get your food is just at a local Hawker Center. You can find one in almost every neighborhood. Good food for a reasonable price.

So from my experience in camping in Suriname, whenever you arrive at a camping spot the first thing you do is setup your accommodation (tent, hammock, etc.) and then prepare or look for food. So after settling at in my hotel the first night I decided to wandered around in the neighborhood and yes, I found the Hawker Center! That definitely beats taking the metro every night to the mall to get some food. The variety of food available at the Hawker Centers is great. From noodles, to fried rice, dumplings, seafood, fish and also the simple chicken rice with vegetables.

To be honest, I haven’t tried the most interesting yet, but I’m planning to go for some seafood some time soon. I also discovered 4 more Hawker Centers in the neighborhood, so they’re almost everywhere.